Thursday, August 25, 2011

You Can Tell a Little White One...

... But If It's Black You're Right Out! - Jor Jor

A Night on the floor...
 (We had two lanes, 8 people, and 1 big fan!)

My Lane: 


She can bowl with the best! She knows all the best moves and will give you a run for your money!

So... Don't mess, don't mess with the best, cause the best don't mess.
Don't fool, don't fool with the cool, cause the cool don't fool.
Don't Mess (clap x2)
Don't Fool (clap x2)
Cause she's the best and she's cool!

She definitely takes the game seriously... She was a little heart broken after being 2 points away from breaking 100.

Don't worry... She is improving from her 25 point games!
Bowling is definitely not her forte... (stick to soccer)

He is the buffest of them all...
rolling over 100 mph (over exaggerating... but super fast)

He is a tad rusty after 2 years in the DR playing baseball ;] ...
Take him bowling and he'll knock it out of the park (or alley).


 (Always needs to be a Voldemort in bowling)


Game 1: 153
Game 2: 129

Never underestimate the power of Voldemort. Harry may have been able to fend him off for 7 books... but when it comes to bowling he'll sure surprise you! He has some mad bowling skills...
Who knew? ha

Don't know quite what happened here...


My heart beats for you ;]] haha

Gotta have a pic. with our biggest fan!

Classic Bruchetta move with the team!

Definitely a Favorite!

Classic Shoe Picture

The WHOLE gang!

At what elevation does an elk become a moose?... HA!


I spent four days last week with my Mentors in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at the Tetons!
We arrived on Monday. After driving for the first part of the day we spent our time pitching tents and going over this weeks agenda.
One half of the group starts out with service while the other goes white water rafting. Then the groups switch the next day. 

My group started off with White Water Rafting...

Notable moments from Rafting: (No pictures... sorry... my camera would have gotten wet and that would have been a tragedy)
 - Having princess pae pae on our raft and protecting her.
- "Oh gosh I don't like that" - Rhett

We had the best raft ever!! :]]

and then...

The next Day we did a Service project at Jenny Lake!
For our service project we built and took down log fences.

We took the fence down on this path!
Notable moment from Service: 
- I sneezed... "Bless your gizzard Hay." - Roger
- "Where does this water come from?"
- "How do you get that white sand on the top of the mountain?" (True question that has been asked by visitors)

Games Played Throughout the week:
- Bull Shiz
- Knock Knock
-Egyptian Rat Screw (LOVE it!)
- 2 Truths & 1 Lie
- Riddles
- Bald Claymaker = Harry Potter!

The night before we left my friend Cee and I had an awesome experience.
We decided to head to the bathrooms at around 9:00 
While getting ready for bed, we meet this incredible lady from North Carolina!
She tells us how her and her husband are cycling from Alberta Canada, to Tucson Arizona.
They drove their truck from Charlotte North Carolina to Tucson Arizona.
The flew themselves along with their bikes up to Canada and are biking back down to Tucson.
Someone had left their phone to charge in the restroom and she asked if it was ours.
But it was not. She warned us if we do decide to charge it, to not leave it unattended.
She then explained how her phone and charger were stolen earlier. Her and her husband had separate phones but shared the same charger. 
They were going to see if they could pick another up on their way through Jackson.
She informed us that she had a DROID.
I had charged my phone earlier (for the ride home the next day) and decided to offer her my charger.
She offered to pay me for it.
I told her it was fine and that she could use it more that I could.
Besides I would be going home tomorrow and it would be easier for me to get a new one than for her.
She followed us to our tent and was so grateful for the charger.
Come to find out, She had just retired as a professor from Duke!
She did a lot of research there and was quite impressed with the program that we were involved in.

So many things happened that trip that I will never forget. 
I am so grateful to be apart of such a wonderful program. 
Every person in it is absolutely incredible.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Oldie Foldie Friend...

Oldie Foldie Friend = Trixie

This is my toy poodle Trixie. She is 14 years old, so she is pretty oldie foldie (aka OLD).
She is one of the most loving dogs anyone could have.

I love dogs because no matter what happens they still love you and are always there for you. I do not understand how people can't like dogs...

Sometimes I wish more people would have the qualities of a dog.

I spent part of this past week camping with my Mentors. Whenever I leave I can always expect a nice warm welcome from Trixie. Well when I arrived home this time she looked a little different...

She lost her fluff...
She looks like a COMPLETELY different dog but I still love her.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Woah Nelly... Simmer Down...

I had the most AMAZING Friday night/Saturday morning!

I got to hang out with my AWESOME Brother and Sister in-law!

We stayed the night with my ADORABLE Grandparents..
Isn't my grandma just the cutest!

My Grandma made her AMAZING Puffed Rice Balls... (See Below)


We woke up at 5:00 a.m. and headed to my grandpa's property to go fishing.

We sat in the car for a few minutes and jammed to Adele-Rumor Has It  Click Here To Listen!
(Adele is amazing FYI, Check her out!)
Then we hiked to the PERFECT fishing spot!
We were there for a few hours and caught more fish than I've caught all summer!
(We released all but 2 fish to eat :] yummm!)

First Rainbow caught of the day...
My White Fish I caught! :]]
I didn't know grass grew out of fish! ;]
We forgot our chain to put the fish on...
So I invented a new system...

I took a few pieces of this grass and threaded it through the fishes mouth...
and... VWUAH-LA! :]

I'm glad I got to spend time with the people who matter MOST in life!
I LOVE them so much and I'm so grateful for them!

Oh... and we got charged by a cow... NO BIG DEAL!.. Just about got TRAMPLED! ha (scared me half to death!)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Through the laughs and the tears...

Through laughs and tears... Through smiles and fears... Best friends are always there!

Picture from sophomore year

These are my best friends... We have been friends for as long as I can remember! We continue to still be best friends.

Unforgettable Moments/Quotes:

" The Grass is Looking FINE! :]]" (inspiration for the blog)
"Holy freaking fruitloops"

"Bwowda Bawr - Bwowda Bawr! Bwing us a Bwanket!"

Crunchy Leaves!

"Fruity, Fruity, Fruity!!"

Photo Booths...

Soccer Games...

And so many more!

"The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had."

"A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. " ~Lois Wyse

 "Friends are the sailors who guide your rickety boat safely across the dangerous waters of life!"


"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."  ~Marcel Proust

We have great personalities! :]]

No matter what happens in life we always have each other!

Best friends still today :]] 08.10.2011

When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you to the end.

You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.

We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing 'til our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane-If they only knew!

I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.

- Rachel Ellis

I have the best friends ever! I LOVE THEM! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Will You Do Me A Favor?.. No...

(Funny Story Below)

I had the opportunity to spend the past week in Hawaii with my wonderful family!

 Sunset from our hotel

It was absolutely GORGEOUS!
So many things happened that made this trip unforgettable...

One of the many stories from Hawaii:
We decided to spend one day relaxing by the pool and working on our tans.
I found two lounge chairs in the perfect spot (or at least I thought) for my sister and I to lay on.
There was someones stuff on the chair and table next to me but I didn't think anything of it.

As I'm waiting for Heather (my sister) to arrive I was basking in the sun half asleep when a elderly man (This man was very tan and had leathery skin that indicated he spent a lot of time out in the sun.) came up to me. 
He asked me if I need any of his tanning oil and I kindly told him no.
He noticed that I had my spray sunscreen sitting right next to me on the table and asked me, "Is it cold to spray it on?"
I inform him, "No, I usually spray it in my hands then rub it on". 
The man nodded and the conversation ended.

Finally Heather shows up... and we lay in the sun for about 10 minutes until I decide I probably should put some sunscreen on before I get burnt.
I have heather help me spray it on my back and rub it in to eliminate the weird sunscreen marks.
I helped her too and then decided to lay both our chairs flat.

As I am doing this the old man says, "Hey can you do me a favor?"
I say, "Sure! Whats that?"
I'm thinking he wants me to lay his chair back as well, which would be no problem...
He asks with his tanning oil in hand, "Will you help rub this on my back?" 

I was in SHOCK! I couldn't believe what I had just heard!
I stood there for a split second and then said the first thing that came to mind.
"Sorry, I don't feel comfortable doing that."
As I am saying that Heather is saying, "Yeah, yeah she'll help you."
(I couldn't believe my sister was volunteering me to do that!)

The man goes on to say, "I understand I am here celebrating my 50th wedding anniversary and my wife is allergic to the sun". (Uh.. did he just say 50th wedding anniversary?!?)

I said, "congratulations..." and plugged my iPod in.
I couldn't believe this had just happened... This man had to have been at least 75 if not older. 
He asked at least two other people that day to help him put his tanning oil on. 

One of the most awkward experiences I've had in a lot time. At the time this happened I was not laughing. Now looking back I think its quite funny.

Note-to-self: Before plopping your things on a lounge chair you might want to make sure you are sitting next to people you know. This way you avoid having strangers ask you to rub tanning oil on their back.