There is NOTHING better than the smell of rain on Concrete...
There is only one smell that cannot be captured...
That is the smell of Rain on Concrete.
Next time it rains don't take it for granted! It only rains every so often...
RAIN: water that is condensed from the aqueous vapor in the atmosphere and falls to earth in drops.
My favorite quote that deals with rain is from "A Cinderella Story":
Here is my favorite part of that movie:
Austin: Sam! Okay, I know you think that I'm just some...
Sam: Coward? Phony?
Austin: Okay, just listen.
Sam: No, you listen. You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were. I never pretended to be somebody else. It's been me all along. And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. Look, I didn't come here to yell at you, okay? I came to tell you that I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are. I was, but I'm not anymore. And the thing is, I really don't care what people think about me... because I believe in myself. And I know that things are gonna be okay. But even though I have no family, and no job, and no money for college... it's you that I feel sorry for.
David: Heads up! Yo, five minutes.
Austin: I'm coming!
Sam: I know that guy that sent those emails is somewhere inside of you, but I can't wait for him... because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.
[walks away]
Austin: SAM!
[punches locker]
Sam: Coward? Phony?
Austin: Okay, just listen.
Sam: No, you listen. You turned out to be exactly who I thought you were. I never pretended to be somebody else. It's been me all along. And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. Look, I didn't come here to yell at you, okay? I came to tell you that I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are. I was, but I'm not anymore. And the thing is, I really don't care what people think about me... because I believe in myself. And I know that things are gonna be okay. But even though I have no family, and no job, and no money for college... it's you that I feel sorry for.
David: Heads up! Yo, five minutes.
Austin: I'm coming!
Sam: I know that guy that sent those emails is somewhere inside of you, but I can't wait for him... because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.
[walks away]
Austin: SAM!
[punches locker]
Here is the exact clip :]]
If you have not seen this movie, I SUGGEST you SEE it!!
As I was looking for "Rain on Concrete" in google, this is what came up along with it....
Apparently there is a band called "Therapy?" and they have a song named "Rain Hits Concrete"
Trust me, its not a very impressive song... So do not waste your time listening to it.
I give them props for pursuing their dreams of becoming an artist or being in a band... but its crappy!
This song is ALMOST as bad as this music video titled "Friday By Rebecca Black"
This song is kinda catchy... but this music video is eh... (at a loss for words)
I feel bad though because everyone is bashing on it... And so I'm going to give Rebecca Props that she decided to follow her dreams as well as Therapy? I just don't think her video is that great...
I watched a interview with her and I felt bad cause people wrote some really mean comments.
She is just a young girl who loves to sing... and when she actually did something with it everyone criticizes her. Well you GO GIRL! :]
This song kinda Reminds me of Willow Smith's Song, "Whip My Hair". The only difference is Willow's music video is Way Better! Maybe its because he father is Will Smith?
WoW! I love this song... :]]
I love the smell of rain. I think it is the smell of heavenly freshness. Nothing comes close to it. Have you ever noticed that everything seems so much greener after a good storm. Rain makes me smile. I love to sit in it and let it fall on my face. Let it get me completely drenched. And if I'm in a really good mood I love jump in every puddle I can find. People think I'm crazy for it but I don't care. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing, bring on the rain.