Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year! Here is a recap of my Christmas this year. 

Christmas EVE: 
- I made this awesome video :]] 

- We had our annual Christmas Eve Scavenger Hunt: 

- At the end of the scavenger hunt we got SOMETHING NEW (generally we get pj's but not this year) :]] :

- Christmas Morning :]], What a FANTASTIC Christmas! :

- Here is my AWESOME family at my family Christmas party:
I love my family SO much! Thank you for making this Christmas an AMAZING one, that I will never forget!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hunting Wolves with Golden Eagles? Say What?...

(Watch at own risk... It maybe graphic... ;]])

I know this video is long but its pretty insane.. Who knew this was legit? I sure DIDN'T!

It is kind of fascinating that an Eagle can take down a Wolf. Wolves kill pretty much everything and they can't kill a bird? hmmm... That makes me re-think my opinion of wolves now...  
1. DON'T piss off a Golden Eagle...
2. If you do, run FAST!
3. If you happen to be running from a Golden Eagle get under cover.

If a Golden Eagle could kill a wolf I'm pretty sure it could kill you...